
Staying Sane In A Crazy World #6 – Be Thankful!

“Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart.” (Philippians 4:6 – Good News Translation) We now reach an important step in staying sane in this crazy world. When we started this process, I talked about humanity’s negative bias. We are always geared in our human nature to be concerned about what we do not have rather… Read More »Staying Sane In A Crazy World #6 – Be Thankful!

Staying Sane In A Crazy World #5 – Be Prayerful!

“Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.” (Philippians 4:6 The Message Translation) I don’t know about anyone else, but I have a tendency to forget to pray about things until I’ve tried everything else. If I can’t work things out, I go to prayer. This isn’t really the way God intended prayer to be. We need to be better… Read More »Staying Sane In A Crazy World #5 – Be Prayerful!

Staying Sane In A Crazy World #4 – Be Content!

“Do not be anxious about anything.” (Philippians 4:6a NIV) Anxiety. Wow, where do we start with this. If you google ‘coronavirus anxiety’ you will find 923,000,000 results! No, I haven’t reviewed them all. But it is safe to say that there is a ‘virus’ spreading around the world which is infecting far more people than coronavirus and that is anxiety. The dictionary defines ‘anxiety’ as “distress or uneasiness of mind… Read More »Staying Sane In A Crazy World #4 – Be Content!

Staying Sane In A Crazy World #3 – Be Conscious!

“The Lord is near!” (Philippians 4:5b – NIV) Four words which carry so much truth and yet can often hold so many questions. How? When? Really? The reality of the presence of Jesus with His people is at the heart of the Christian message. At Christmas, we celebrate that Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us.” At Easter, we have just remembered that the veil in the Temple was torn in… Read More »Staying Sane In A Crazy World #3 – Be Conscious!

Staying Sane In A Crazy World #2 – Be Gentle!

I am amazed at the quality and impressiveness of the people I follow on social media. They are incredible. I cannot believe the number of those I follow who are experts in macroeconomics and international relations, especially in terms of the UK’s relationship with the European Union. But even more than that, I am astonished that those same individuals are now accomplished epidemiologists and experts in the realm of pandemic… Read More »Staying Sane In A Crazy World #2 – Be Gentle!

Staying Sane In A Crazy World #1 – Be Joyful!

As I sit on Easter Bank Holiday Monday in the UK in a world where going to the supermarket is the highlight of my week and where everyone I know seems to be a world-class epidemiologist ready to instruct the government on how to best deal with coronavirus. On a more serious note, I sit in a world where numbers of deaths under 800 per day is considered a ‘success’… Read More »Staying Sane In A Crazy World #1 – Be Joyful!