David Oliver

Easter Sunday 2020 Reflection – New Hope & New Purpose

“Easter isn’t cancelled; indeed, we need Easter as much as ever. The discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave his followers new hope and fresh purpose, and we can all take heart from this. We know that coronavirus will not overcome us.As dark as death can be – particularly for those suffering with grief – light and life are greater.May the living flame of the Easter… Read More »Easter Sunday 2020 Reflection – New Hope & New Purpose

Holy Saturday 2020 Reflection – Uncertainty!

Uncertainty! Now there’s a word you don’t often hear in evangelical circles, as is a reflection on Holy Saturday, or Easter Eve. We tend to love Good Friday and go mental about Easter Sunday but Easter Eve … what’s that? Surely it’s just the day in between the two big events where we can have a breather between two big sets of services!! But what if we actually learned to… Read More »Holy Saturday 2020 Reflection – Uncertainty!

Good Friday 2020 Reflection – What Actually Is Good News?

“Come see His hands and His feetThe scars that speak of sacrificeHands that flung stars into spaceTo cruel nails surrendered This is our God, The Servant KingHe calls us now to follow HimTo bring our lives as a daily offeringOf worship to The Servant King” As I was sitting and reflecting upon Good Friday, I was drawn back to the lyrics of a song by Graham Kendrick, the Servant King.… Read More »Good Friday 2020 Reflection – What Actually Is Good News?